This product includes 60 days access to interactive OMG BPM 2 (OCEB 2) - Fundamental Exam (OMG-OCEB2-FOUND100) Practice Questions.
These are practice questions prepared by the co-author of BPM 2 Fundamental exam questions.
These are not exam dumps. We do not want to cheat but do our best to prepare you for the exam in the best possible way. Because of that we have created an interactive quiz platform based on Moodle including 214 items mimicking real exam questions.
Entry level
Price: €300
Exam Series Code | OMG-OCEB2-FUND100 (English) or OMG-OCEB2-FND100_JPN (Japanese) |
Exam Duration | 90 minutes in native English-speaking countries and 120 minutes in all others. Note: When scheduling your exam in a non-native English-speaking country, you will not see this extra time until you complete your exam order. |
Exam Fee | US$350 (or local equivalent) |
Number of Questions | 90 single-choice test questions |
Exam Pass Score | >=62 of 90 questions answered correctly (>=69%) |
Exam Prerequisite(s) | none |
Exam Language | English or Japanese |
Ways of passing the exam | Pearson VUE testing centers or online How to register for an OMG exam How to buy OMG exam vouchers |
Badges/Certificates | Credly digital badge |
Certification Expiration | Your certification expires 5 years from the date you passed your exam. The same or a higher-level certification must be taken prior to the previous certification’s expiration date to extend your certification |
"If I had not used eduMAX preparation questions, it would have ended in disaster for me."
When I decided to get my BPM2 (OCEB2) Fundamental certification, I was looking for ways to prepare. The book written by the same people that wrote the standard was an obvious choice. But reading it, it didn't feel right - I did not have a feeling what was important (and memorizing the whole book, somehow, was not an option for me). Secondly I was in the dark since I did not know what the question on the test looked like.
So, on the certificate web site, I found a list of Exam preparation options. And one of the options was eduMAX. I bought it and the first thing that happened was realizing that I was preparing till that point in a wrong way. The practice questions pointed out parts of the book that I did not find important, or just plainly missed. Some of those questions did not have a good answer in the book but the book and certification guide listed the "additional reading" and I did read additionally.
Going into the test itself I found that preparation questions, both in structure and topics, properly covered the test questions. Which is a good feeling when you feel prepared as question by question pops out. Right?
Viktor Hlaca, Presales Specialist / Business Analyst combo
Anyone who has enough free time (3-4 months) to prepare for the exam on their own, collect materials, read books and articles specified in the exam scope and is able to predict what questions one can expect on the exam.