OMG UML 2 Foundation Exam Sample Questions

Question 1

Which part of UML defines the metamodel?

Choose one answer.

abstract syntax

Question 2

What is the most important feature of a good diagram?

Choose one answer.

It should focus on the audience needs.

Question 3

How many actions are there on the diagram above?

Choose one answer.

2 - Event1 and Action1

Question 4

What does the rectangle symbol represent in UML activity diagrams?

Choose one answer.


Question 5

What is true about the diamond symbol on Activity Diagrams?

Choose one answer.

If used as a merge node all tokens offered on incoming edges are offered to an outgoing edge.

Question 6

What kind of visibility is required to make ClassA attributes visible only inside ClassA?

Choose one answer.


Question 7

What does it mean to use attribute underlining in a class diagram?

Choose one answer.

All instances of this class share this attribute.

Question 8

Which occurrence is the last in the above interaction?

Choose one answer.

reception of r

Question 9

What is true about event occurrences on the above diagram?

Choose one answer.

This interaction is valid regardless of the order of messages receptions.

Question 10

Which UML element can be described as a situation in which some invariant condition holds?

Choose one answer.
